
Gilardino: “Ambition, Balance, and Team Spirit for My Genoa”


Genoa’s coach Alberto Gilardino reflected on the team’s victory over Lecce, marking their seventh consecutive positive result. Despite initial challenges in the first half, Gilardino praised Lecce’s merit for creating difficulties on the flanks. Tactical adjustments in the second half, coupled with the contributions of substitutes, led to a comeback. Gilardino emphasized the need to persevere with the team’s current determination and group spirit, commending the players irrespective of tactical formations:

“After a not-so-good first half, credit goes to Lecce for how they worked individually; we knew it could be difficult. We were too stretched and second to the second balls. We made tactical changes, but we evolved mentally. Ekuban and Sabelli made the difference and woke the team up in the second half after the lethargy of the first. It all depends on attitude more than tactics. Well done to the boys. Ekuban came in very well, he made us rise along with Retegui, who played selflessly. In the second half, we added more in terms of technique, tactics, and competitiveness. There was lethargy and flat calm in the first half.”

The points in the standings and the chant from the Nord stand excite Gilardino: “I thank them for the affection. Our journey is long, it comes from afar and has been cultivated for many months. Individuals can improve, and we want to enrich ourselves through matches and training. Recognition is due for our growth. There is ambition, but we must be clear-headed. The season is long. Spence? Both he and Thorsby were not changed due to their performance, but I wanted to change tactically. He has the quality of the leg; he needs to attack space, and let’s remember he arrived 10 days ago. It takes calm. Thorsby is a professional; I reiterate it was a tactical choice. Retegui is fine, he is growing, not yet 100%, but he has room for improvement. He sacrificed himself, held the ball, is complete, and has margins.”

Genoa changed with the substitutions: “There was a desire to change; when you make changes, you never know if it’s right or if it might not go well. The feeling was to put weight in front and create numerical superiority on the wings; we went for crosses, and with Retegui-Ekuban, we had physicality. Strootman and Malinovskyi were more enterprising. There we won. It wasn’t easy; Lecce is annoying, has performers on the wings, plays well between lines, and is well set up on the field. Compliments to them for the first half. Ekuban scored a great striker’s goal and has room for improvement; he must be aware of his qualities, he tears, has technique, and is strong. It is gratifying to have him; everyone must have this attitude.”

Gilardino concludes: “The first half was a bit indigestible, and the second half went better; it’s the interpretation of the boys that matters. At the competitive level, we improved to get back into the game. Attitude, determination, and wanting to win duels to wrest the ball. The staff and I are supportive, and if there is an opportunity, changes must be made already in the first half. Today there was availability from everyone. The transfer market? We are vigilant; three players arrive, Cittadini, Stolz, and Ankeye, young players who have played little or nothing in Serie A. It takes time; we are good at improving them and making them grow immediately. We will need them, especially Ankeye and Cittadini. They will be evaluated; Cittadini is ready, Ankeye is to be assessed.”


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