
Inter, Juve, Milan, and Roma express no confidence in Serie A president Lorenzo Casini


Ahead of today’s meeting with Sports Minister Andrea Abodi, four big clubs have asked the president of Lega Serie A to clarify that not all positions expressed represent the 20 clubs. The reference is to the reform document signed in February, to which the four clubs had abstained.

La Gazzetta dello Sport report that a letter was sent to President Casini for some clarifications before today’s meeting with  Abodi by Inter, Milan, Juventus, and Roma, who (except in the case of Roma, who had already protested about the schedule) specify that it is not a vote of no confidence in the president of Lega Serie A.

The four clubs have asked Casini “to clarify in advance” in institutional meetings that “not all positions expressed are shared and unanimously approved.” The reference is particularly to what emerged at the Lega Assembly on February 14 regarding the reform document, on which the four clubs abstained. The concept is clear: when it comes to government oversight agency, everyone is united. For the rest, caution is needed.

Casini immediately heard from the clubs and will respond privately to the letter. League sources have also stated that the document was never publicly presented as unanimously approved and that their abstention “was due to their opposition only regarding the point related to the format of the 20 and 18-team league.” While “on all other aspects of the document, there was consensus and contribution from all clubs to its drafting. The same document also represents the basis on which, on behalf of all clubs, proposals are being put forward to obtain the greater weight and autonomy that Lega A has long claimed.”

The League further clarifies that Thursday’s meeting with Abodi “only concerns the issue of the proposal for a government agency, on which all clubs, without exception, have expressed opposition.”


Serie A obsessive.