
Juric: “Getting into Europe won’t change my future at Torino’


Torino coach Ivan Juric shared his thoughts on their 3-1 win over Milan but insists the conditions aren’t right for him to continue in charge of the Granata. Goals from Dusan Zapata, Ivan Ilic and Ricardo Rodriguez helped Torino climb to 9th place, giving them an outside chance of making the Conference League on the final match day of the season.

Speaking with Sky Sport Italia, Juric explained that even European football couldn’t convince him to remain in charge of the club:

“We played well tonight, we wanted to win. We are still in the fight, and we need to stay focused and try to win the last game. Many of our players were fatigued tonight; Buongiorno hadn’t trained for ten days.”

Juric emphasized the hard work his team has put in throughout the season: “We’ve always been motivated, even after a shaky start, we bounced back. We’re satisfied with our performance. Gasperini is performing another miracle at Bergamo with great players, and it will be tough.”

When asked if qualifying for European competition would alter his future, Juric was candid: “No, the right conditions aren’t there. I appreciate unity, but even in a fantastic season, there have been many controversies and criticisms. I want more happiness. The president has faced protests, and there’s a bit of everything going on. Over time, you try to change things, but you realize it’s futile. It’s right to aim for Europe, and we’ve had a fantastic three years.”

Discussing his future, Juric expressed a clear focus on his current squad: “Right now, I am focused on these players. We’ve built something beautiful here. I regret the rest of the situation.”


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