
Napoli to sack Rudi Garcia today


Multiple reports across Italian media suggest Napoli coach Rudi Garcia is expected to be fired from his position today. The Partenopei suffered a humiliating home defeat against Empoli yesterday, prompting speculation that the French coach would be relieved of his duties sooner rather than later.

La Gazzetta dello Sport reported yesterday, soon after the full time whistle at the Stadio Maradona, that Garcia would be fired imminently. Despite the report suggesting that the French coach would be out of the job before the end of the day, no immediate action was taken by Napoli.

Il Mattino report this morning that Garcia will be dismissed by the end of today, claiming that Napoli president Aurelio De Laurentiis didn’t even meet with the coach yesterday, but did order a press blackout for his players. The Naples based newspaper suggest that De Laurentiis wanted to sack Garcia a month ago, but chose to trust in him a while longer.

The French coach was appointed in the summer to take over from Scudetto winner Luciano Spalletti, but results for the club have been mixed, leaving them 10 points off league leaders Inter.



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